Final consultation starting today – get your voice heard!
Peabody’s final consultation on the redevelopment of the Holloway Prison site before they submit their plans to Islington Council for approval is starting today and we urgently need your help to make sure that as many people as possible get their voices heard.
The consultation website is here
This will be the largest development in Islington for 30 years but the main consultation is only set to run for 3 weeks. If you agree there should be more time for people to respond, let Peabody know! Tweet them @PeabodyLDN and email – copy us in at
Community Plan for Holloway will be working hard over the next days to prepare our collective response to the consultation but we need you to take part in the consultation as individuals too – look out for our guidance coming soon and come to our public meeting online on 19th July at 6pm. More details coming soon.
Translations are available but only on request. If you or your friends or family would prefer to access the consultation in another language, please contact Peabody at: to let them know.
Your community group can also request consultation sessions with Peabody – let us know if you are interested at and we can help you to arrange this.
More actions you can take
Scroll down to read 10 Questions to Ask About a Masterplan for key pointers to guide your analysis and feedback
Look out for details coming soon about our public meeting on Monday19th July at 6pm – a chanceto discuss, ask questions and hear Community Plan for Holloway’s views about how to respond to the latest plans
Talk to your friends and neighbours about the consultation and encourage them to take part
Follow us on facebook, instagram, twitter and tiktok for the latest news – @plan4holloway
Check this website for updates
See the Islington local press for updates from Peabody and the consultation website here
10 Questions to ask about a Draft Masterplan
The draft masterplan is just about to be published. This is a short guide to help you understand the issues it may raise for you. It may help you work out what you think about the proposal.
Responses will vary depending on who we are, for example, neighbours, hope-to-be future residents, a potential worker, or visitor wanting to share new public spaces.
The purpose of the consultation is to enable you to bring your local knowledge and experience so it can be shared with the developers and CP4H. Everyone is invited to respond.
The CP4H Architecture and Planning group have put together some key questions which relate to key characteristics that are getting locked in at this stage of the design:
- Proposed height and size of the buildings: How will it feel to be amongst these buildings? (Note the number of floors and compare them with other tall buildings that you know).
- Comfort: Can comfortable indoor spaces be designed in the building size proposed? Will they have good light, ventilation and avoid overheating?
- Sunlight and shade: Do the buildings allow good daylight and sunlight in outdoor spaces?
- Overlooking and Views: Will I be overlooked by neighbours and what will the views be like?
- Streets: Are they wide enough to give good light and sun? Is there space for greenery, people, bikes and vehicles?
- Connections: Are there good pedestrian and cycle connections to all surrounding roads? Does the layout strike the right safe balance of safe space for people and bikes and space for vehicles?
- Greenery: Are enough quiet green spaces provided? Enough for all the residents and visitors? (Resident numbers could be around 2,300-2,750).
- Play: Is enough play space provided for different age groups? Is it in a good location?
- Noise and air quality. How will residents be protected from traffic impacts? Will it be quiet enough?
- The Women’s Building and community facilities: Are these in a good location? Can the internal space be designed to be an amazing facility for women and the community?
- Environmental strategy. Is there a good plan for low carbon construction and operation?
We hope this helps guide your analysis and feedback.
The draft masterplan will be published today, 9th July 2021 – please help us to get everyone’s voices heard!